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Inclusive Education
Community learning spaces in Bamenda II, Bamenda III ( all in Mezam Division) and  Mbengwi in Momo Division

Community learning spaces in Bamenda II, Bamenda III ( all in Mezam Division) and  Mbengwi in Momo Division

One of the biggest barriers to ending poverty in Africa is the lack of education. Many children are unable to go to school in most parts of Africa, because of the fee structure that exists. Instead, they are forced to stay at home and tend to younger siblings or go out into the workforce. It is for this reason that SACOD organized and ran community learning spaces in Mbengwi, Bamenda 2 and Bamenda 3 to facilitate learning for “out of school children” through radio education and e-learning. These material was obtained thanks to the work of UNESCO and UNICEF with Green Partners as UNICEF’s implementing partner. The content of this material involved; Literacy, numeracy, life skills, science and technology.

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