• +237 6771 258 38
  • info@sacod.org


Sustainable Action for Community Development (SACOD) is a woman-led not-for-profit making Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with headquarters in Bamenda, in the North-West Region of Cameroon. SACOD was created in 2015 but gained legal recognition in 2017 with registration No 66/E.29/1111/Vol.8/ALPAS of 04/12/2017. SACOD works to empower communities towards achieving their development objectives through mindset transformation and inclusive empowerment. SACOD envisions a responsive society where good governance (Accountability, Transparency, and Participation) and human rights are highly advocated to guarantee more sustainable and inclusive human and environmental development. For over 7years SACOD has been keen on driving positive social change and rewriting the future of disadvantaged groups especially children, youths, and women through education/diverse empowerment programs using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach to development.

Vision: To alleviate poverty through mindset transformation and inclusive sustainable community development.

Mission: Contributing to building a community of self-reliant persons through a combined holistic effort at protecting and enhancing the physical, social, economic, and political environment

Who do we serve? serve?

We are committed to being the voice of the underprivileged, vulnerable, and marginalized especially women and children.  People Living with HIV&AIDS, orphans, and vulnerable children.  Women especially widows are of great concern to our work due to their susceptibility to economic hardship, health threats, Human Rights abuses, and poverty, within our communities. Rewriting the future of these persons is our priority.

Our Story

SACOD was created within the framework of the 1990 law on freedom of association in Cameroon. It started in 2015 and became legalized in 2017. SACOD was founded by a group of young people from diverse professional backgrounds who were keen on certain issues affecting society such as health especially HIV/AIDs, Malaria, and Water-borne diseases including its management, SRHR, environmental protection, agriculture and livestock management, education, human rights, and governance. These young persons were concerned about the plight of persons in hard-to-reach areas who could not access adequate and quality lifesaving and social services. This organization was thus born to respond to the challenges of the very rural areas such as Misaje, Ako and Nwa in Donga-Mantung, Benakuma, Fongom and Furu-Awa in Menchum and Njikwa and Ngie in Momo division.

These young persons started paying attention to the needs of vulnerable persons in these communities and tried hard to negotiate access in the face of the ongoing armed conflicts in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon through the use of community focal persons.

Various assessments were conducted to ascertain the needs of these vulnerable populations that were trapped and deprived of basic facilities. Today these populations have had a sigh of relief with minimal service delivery though still grossly inadequate.

Our Objectives

SACOD has five strategic objectives:

Improved health and Service Delivery and Utilization, especially in the areas of prevention, Treatment, Care and Support.

Increase Good Governance, Human Rights and Freedoms of the underprivileged.

Facilitate Sustainable Livelihood through empowerment and wealth creation.

Protection and conservation of biodiversity.

Promote Inclusion in all areas of life

Our Strategy

Participatory and Inclusive using the Asset Based community Development (ABCD) Approach to humanitarian and community development. We Mobilize, Network, Empower and coordinate with various community structures to realize our objectives. We thus work to empower our community members and beneficiaries to be able to stand alone- that’s sustainability.


We are Accountable to our partners, beneficiaries, and ourselves


We are committed to realizing our purpose of existence


We provide adequate information about our interventions to all stakeholders involved in our work


We strive to orientate our actions towards creating sustainable solutions to community problems