• +237 6771 258 38
  • info@sacod.org

Our Work

Since 2020, SACOD financed by mission 21 carried out training of 75 women and youths on business skill development and management in Bamenda, Buea, and Bafoussam in March, April, and July 2020 respectively. In October 2019 we carried out an organizational capacity assessment for 06 organizations within the North West and South West Regions, strengthened their capacity in areas of weakness, and elaborated a draft code of ethics for each partner. SACOD has trained Start-Ups in some councils in the North West on Small Enterprise Management and also council staff on smart revenue collection strategies. Again, SACOD satisfactorily carried out training of mission 21 partner organizations (managers of NGOs and Administrative Assistants from the North West, South West, and West Regions) on organizational management and development in November 2021. The objective was to familiarize staff with the functioning of a modern office in order to determine priorities for support in view of improving operations and performance in service delivery. We have offered several pieces of training to cooperatives and women groups in Nkambe under Hope for A Better Future (H4BF) NGO. To ensure the protection and conservation of biodiversity, SACOD trained staff of the Mbi Crater game reserve of the Ministry of wildlife on protected area management through the engagement of communities during armed conflicts. SACO was a privilege to implement the UN SDGs high-level consultation on internal displacement under mission21 during which we met community and CSO leaders to understand and analyse their appraisal of internal displacements.

Work With Us

We have created and run community learning spaces in Bamenda II and III with the help of e-learning material and radio education that has successfully initiated over 1000 children into formal learning thanks to material from UNESCO and UNICEF.


We drive positive social changes that bridge gender gaps, build social inclusion and cohesion in communities, and carry out human rights monitoring and interventions. SACOD is an active member of the NW/SW CSO coalition for human rights and peace.


Over the past 6 years, over 3,000 women and girls have had different forms of transformation in their lives, and over 5,000 community members have been directly involved in activities carried out by our projects in the domains of GBV, Education, environmental protection, Business Development, Health, SRHR, and human right.


SACOD is keen on building engagements amongst socially excluded groups especially young and middle-aged persons in particular to promote the values of positivity, tolerance, inclusion, and non-violence for a just, peaceful society. It is hoped that through this, people will enjoy their rights and freedom and make a valuable contribution to the development of their communities. 


We will continue to serve as agents of change with the aim of reaching over 20,000 social change actors/promoters.