We strive to advance Social cohesion, Peace building, conflict prevention and intercultural dialogue using advocacy and capacity building at local community levels. Gender equality and women empowerment (GBV) are key areas of interest, community dialogues, institutional strengthening and civic participation by women and youths, Human Rights monitoring and promotion, case management for children and survivors of abuse. The protection and promotion of the Human Rights of individual disabled persons, particularly in the poorest local communities where ¾ of the disabled population lives, is totally dependent on development being inclusive. Disabled people globally have a right to be included in development, and governments implementing development programmes have a duty to actively ensure the full inclusion of disabled persons. We are inspired by SDG No. 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels).
Cameroon just like most African countries have taken a number of necessary and bold initiatives on governance as one of the essential factors for sustainable economic growth and development for the alleviation of poverty. But these initiatives are still constrained by a number of critical challenges that should be tackled to enhance the prospects of governance if development objectives are to be attained.
At the National Level there is a need for further improvement in public sector management and delivery. The financial, human resource, and ICT limitations in these areas should be removed to ensure meaningful progress.
There are also financial, human resource, ICT, and capital limitations in the process of decentralization.
SACOD strives to work at the local level to enhance the functioning of local authorities. Thus a reduction in mismanagement and corruption which are some of the hindrances in governance in the private sector should be eliminated to ensure sound good governance and enhance a better quality of life for all.
The United Nations defines community development as “a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.”