• +237 6771 258 38
  • info@sacod.org


We strive to promote an inclusive and supportive education environment with equal opportunities for all and where people of all levels and status can accept each other, interact freely and thus exploit their full potentials through experience sharing and networking and where skills can be captured, nurtured, matured and given the right exposure. This is in line with SDG No. 04 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all). Mindset transformation and personality development are key areas of focus.

Why Education?

We believe that one of the biggest barriers to ending poverty in Africa and Cameroon in particular is the lack of education. Many children are unable to go to school in most parts of Africa including Cameroon, because of the fee structure that exists. Instead, they are forced to stay at home and attend to younger siblings or go out into the workforce to do mean jobs or hocking to fetch a daily bread for the family. Unlike countries in the West, primary and secondary school education in Cameroon is not free. Thus, parents have to pay school fees every year. This becomes unachievable as the majority of Cameroonians survive on less than 2 dollars a day, making it impossible to send their children to school. Worst ill, children with disability have no place in the school system as most educational establishments do not have the required inclusive infrastructure to accommodate them.  As a result, many primary and secondary children including those with disability drop out of school, and education is placed beyond their reach.


SACOD has thus tailored her programs to advocate for these children who are the energy of the nation with the vision to increase access to primary and secondary education for children in extreme poverty through merit-based scholarships and empowerment through vocational training.


The objective is to reduce the number of orphaned and destitute children not going to school because of poverty. We recognize that these children will return to their respective communities as educated, innovative young people, who will improve their quality of life by breaking the cycle of poverty thus enhancing sustainable community development at the local level.
